How to get your Live Mode Client ID?

Follow our tutorial below to easily get your Live Mode Client ID :
Step 1: Go to Stripe
Step 2: If you have a Stripe account, login, else Sign up
Step 3:  Once you have successfully logged in into your Stripe account, click on  Get Started
Step 4:  Click on Settings under Connect menu present on the left hand side panel
Step 5:  Here is your Live Mode Client ID
Step 6: Click on Add Redirect URL button
Step 7:  Enter this URL - - here
Step 8:  Click on Add URL
Step 9:  Here is your Redirect URL. Now click on Developers menu present on the left hand side panel
Step 10: Click on Webhooks
Step 11: Click on Add Endpoint
Step 12: Enter this Enpoint URL - - here
Step 13: Click on Add Endpoint
Step 14: Here is your Live Endpoint URL

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