How to obtain the Plist file for iOS configuration ?

Follow the steps below to get your Plist file :-

  1.  Sign in to your Firebase account.

  2.  Go to your project settings and navigate to "Cloud Messaging".Enable it to use push notifications in your app.

  3. Under “General Settings”, click on the iOS icon to begin the registration process.Follow the 5-step process outlined by Firebase to register your iOS app successfully.


  4. Now login to your Apple developer account and click on “Certificates” under certificates,IDs & profiles.

  5. Click on the "Keys" tab to manage your authentication key and click on the plus button to add a new key.


  6. Provide a name for your key and register it. Then, click on "Continue” to create the new key.

  7. Finally, download your key (Auth key) from Apple Developer.

  8.   Go back to your firebase account >>Navigate to the apps section in the general settings, and select the upload button beneath the authentication key.

  9. Go to your apple developer account >>Certificates >>keys >>copy the key ID.

  10. Navigate to your Apple Developer account, click on "Account," and copy the Team ID from the membership details.

  11. Upload the downloaded authentication key and enter the Key ID and Team ID obtained from your Apple Developer account.

  12. In the general settings, navigate to the SDK and Configuration section. Locate your Plist file and click the download button to obtain the file.



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